How Can You Break A Rental Lease
Let’s face it, people usually do not enter a legally binding lease with the intention of breaking it. Sometimes life deals us challenges that conflicts with our current lease. Whether its job related, family or health issues. There is a plethora of situations that can arise that will have you asking the question, ‘How can I break my lease’. Read your lease Some leases provide an opt-out clause. You should review your lease carefully because you may already have an option spelled out for you. Sub-Leasing If your lease doesn’t provide an adequate opt-out option, check with the property manager or owner about sub-leasing the property. If the owner or landlord agree, keep in mind that (in most cases) you are still responsible for the remaining of the lease terms. Having a qualified tenant can be a win win for both you and the property manager. Be Nice If you have been a great tenant, ask the landlord about marketing the property to find another tenant. W...