Want To Invest In Multifamily Housing?
Multifamily housing has always been a good investment. Investors have generally loved this sector. Performance In 2018, multifamily vacancy rates (for class B & C) have been below 6% while class A properties are about 9%. More and more investors are closing watching multifamily properties, particularly in B & C classes. These classes can maintain if there is a downturn in the markets. Unlike Commercial properties , Residential properties in these classes are generally recession proof. Smaller Might Be Better Class A properties are the most competitive among investors as well as attracting new tenants. But smaller is often times more profitable. I personally like quads and duplexes. We build quads on a regular basis but there are many duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes out there that are in need of repair. Great opportunities for value added investors. Location Depending on your experience and skills, it is best to invest in proper...